Watch this video to learn how to make a stencil for graffiti and attach it to a public place with wheatpaste.
Step one: Find a reference image you like.
Step Two: Project the image and trace it. You are making a really big stencil.
Step Three: Cut the stencil!
Step Four: Tape sheets of paper together to make your pasteup. The thinner the paper, the better it will adhere to the wall when you are putting your graffiti stencil up.
Step Five: Spray the Stencil! Lather, rinse, repeat.
Step Six: Cut out the image.
Step Seven: Make some wheat paste.
Step Eight: Get it up! At night, when nobody is watching. Make your graffiti a public statement.
Brought to you by posterchild:
I create public installations (or "Street Art" pieces) that are both playful and political. I create my art to engage with my environment and those who share it with me. I do not seek to anger or upset my companions in the city, rather, I am searching for a benevolent, sustainable way to involve myself in our shared public spaces without being arrested or unnoticeable. Although subversion is not my primary goal, by it's very nature; my practice challenges the status quo. Authority over the visual landscapes of our cities has been placed out of reach to the very people who live in them. In my gentle way, I am simply connecting to my surroundings, and in this manner I also reclaim that which has been denied to me.
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