The Free Art and Technology Lab (F.A.T.) has provided three different energetic and passionate methods for voicing support for Ai Weiwei, the famous Chinese artist and activist who has been detained without known reason by the Chinese government since March 31st.
When children's book author Aaron Zenz took his family to see the highly acclaimed Banksy documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop, his 10-year-old daughter Gracie was immediately inspired to become a street artist. Aaron quickly explained that "while the art was fun and the story was great, vandalism isn't a good thing" so the family was challenged to come up with an appropriately stealthy public art project that didn't entail defacing public property. So, what do you get when you cross an...
A Parisian street artist anonymously known as JR—his pervasive works feature massive photographs of poor urban residents plastered across the cityscape—was awarded the 2011 TED prize some months ago.
Mimmo Rubino applies the art of brain melting to the streets with his perspective-distorting, optical illusion graffiti art. The coolest part is Mimmo includes links to Google Maps for some of the pieces, so you can go take a look for yourself (if you happen to be in the vicinity of Rome).
Swedish graffiti artist Akay's latest "Instrument of Mass Destruction" is Robo-Rainbow, self-described as a "complicated technical solutions to aide in a simple act of vandalism."
See a burning building? Hold all calls to the fire department. Canadian artist Isabelle Hayeur fools passerbyers with her installation, "Fire with Fire", an artwork that creates the illusion of a fire-swept four-story heritage building in the downtown eastside of Vancouver.
Want a slick school binder to set yourself apart from your friends? Check out this sweet little tutorial and learn how to make a school binder out of duct tape. You'll need a roll of duct tape and a passion to create.
Looptaggr is an ingenious drive-by tagging device by Ariel Schlesinger and Aram Bartholl. It's cheap, quick and easy to make, and even speedier to use. Cities and small towns across the world may be littered with graffiti mayhem in no time at all...
Nowhere Near Here, by Pahnl, is made with the graffiti light writing technique (stop motion animation that uses a combination of light with stencils and long exposure photography). Over 300 hours in the making and more than 200 stencils later, the tale of a "dog running around the city at night, doing whatever a dog does":
In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a scary character. First, draw the outline with a hat and a cape. After this, use your pencil to color the inside of the hat and the face (except the eyes) completely black. From here, you will shade in the hat by blending in the pencil with your finger. From here, you will color in the bow on the front of the cape and then shade in the sides and the top and bottom of the cape. Use your finger to blend in the pencil and then smudge it around the front of...
In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a graffiti cartoon character on paper. First, draw the outline of the head and then draw in a waved line for the mouth. From here, draw a circle nose and then round eyes with curved eyebrows. Draw big round ears on each side. Then, draw in the hand holding a spray paint can and draw the body around this. The character should be wearing a short sleeved shirt and the other hand should be flipping off the screen. Draw in the pants and shoes, drawing lines on...
In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a spray can sketch. First, draw the face of the can on the piece of paper, drawing the eyes, nose, and mouth. After this, draw the surrounding parts of the can around the face. Draw the bottom and the top of the can as well as the top with the middle open area where the spray will come out. After this, draw in as much detail as you would like on your spray can. Use a black marker to shade in on the sides and make lines darker. When finished, save and enjoy...
In this tutorial, we learn how to recycle plastic bottles and make decorative flower art. Start out by cutting around the cap of the bottle until the body is cut off. Then, cut small slits in the bottle until it's completely cut up. From here, you will spread these out so they are opened up like petals. Take different colored plastic bottles and repeat this process. When you're finished, you will then attach these together using heat and use them as decorative art for your wall! This is great...
In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a graffiti alphabet. If you aren't familiar with drawing graffiti, this is a very personal type of drawing that you can do anyway you would like. Make the letters close together, but give them wide arches so they look bold. When you write out the alphabet, you will color the space between them black, and then shade the inside of them. It may be hard to see exactly what the letters are, but that is the fun with graffiti. Make it completely unique to you and...
In this tutorial, we learn how to add 3D effects and shading to graffiti letters. To start, you will draw a simple letter with a pencil. Then, take one point under the letter in the middle and draw a darker outline. Next, you will draw an outline around the first outline to make it look 3D. Next, you will shade in the area in the middle of the letter and anything that is in between the first letter and the second. After this, you will add in lines and additional detailing to make the letters...
In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a gangster graffiti ET character. Start out by drawing the eyebrows and the hat, then draw down to make the eyes. After this, draw in the details of the eyes, then make the nose and the mouth. From here, create the head and the neck, as well as the rest of the body. Draw on large pants that look baggy on the legs and a large collared shirt. One hand should be in the pocket and the other should be facing out with a finger on a spray paint can. From here,...
In this tutorial, we learn how to draw graffiti letters. When you are drawing these letters, you will want to use as much imagination as you can. Make sure to add in your own personal flare to give each of the letters a special touch. Now, you will draw the letters making them into a large 3D letter. Add in swirls and lines to the edges of the letters to give them a wet look and then add in shading to the side to make it look darker. Add in more shading and darker outlines, then when you are...
In this video, we learn how to write a name in graffiti letters. Start off by outlining the letters, make sure to draw them thick so they look 3D. Add in different shapes edges to the letters to make them look more like graffiti. Make sure they are all touching and overlapping as well. Then, use the pencil to draw in the areas in between the letters and in the middle of them. Once you do this, you will be able to add in additional lines and shading to each of the individual letters. You can add...
In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a gangster M&M graffiti character. Start out by drawing the eyes and the mouth for the character. Fill in the eyes and the mouth, then add in more details. Next, add in eyebrows to the M&M, then draw the body around the face. Draw a beanie hat on top of the head, then draw arms with a spray paint can in one of the hands. Add in the additional details for the hands and arms, then draw in the legs on the bottom. Add in the shoes, then finish with additional...
In this video, we learn how to draw a graffiti spray can. Start out by drawing the top of the can with the nozzle on the very top. Use a half circle with a thick line under it to make the top. Next, draw the rest of the can creating a face on the side of the can with a mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. Then, draw in the bottom of the can using a circle shape and filling it on black so it looks sealed. Add in some lines to show the can spraying, then write in graffiti letters underneath to finish!
In this video, we learn how to create a bucket drum or protest art. To start, you will grab a large plastic bucket and you will apply take all around the sides of it so it's wrapped up. The tape should be intersecting at the opening of the top of it. Then, use a tie to connect this in with the tape and then size it so it fits around your waist. From here, you will tie the bucket to your waist and then use sticks to beat your new drum. You can stick the sticks to the side where the tape is to...
In this video, we learn how to draw a graffiti character. Start out by drawing two large eyes with small pupils at the bottom of them. Next, you will draw a nose and a mouth with pointed teeth. From here, you will draw the head around this and the jaw line for the mouth. Shade in the mouth and add lines to the face, then draw graffiti letters for the name of the character right underneath it. When you draw the letters, make sure to drag the letters out to make them flare more and stand out....
In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a gangster graffiti couple. First, draw in the eyes on the piece of paper. Then, draw in the nose and the mouth, adding in details to make it look more realistic. Draw in the hair for the woman, then draw in the details for the man's face right next to the woman's. Draw in the rest of the face, then add in the hair with a band around the head. Draw an arm coming from the side of the woman and another on the neck of the man to show them hugging. Add in...
In this tutorial we learn how to draw graffiti. Graffiti can be done in hundreds of different ways, depending on your taste and your abilities. Remember when you draw on graph paper that it will help your letters stay to scale so you have a more even looking word or letter. Also, when you draw your characters you want to draw them with large features and exaggerated clothing, so it gives the gangster loose clothing look. Use a brush pen to create a flared effect and shade in around the letters...
In this tutorial, we learn how to draw a graffiti Smurf character. Start off by drawing the hat for the Smurf, then draw in the ear on the side of the head. Then, draw in the face and start to add in the details. Draw in the mouth, nose, and eyes. After this, draw in the upper body and the clothing that the Smurf is wearing. Add crinkled lines on the edges to make it look like the pants are too big, then draw in the feet, arms, and hands. Draw a spray paint can in the hand of the Smurf, then...
Cool hats are one of the most effective ways of drawing attention to oneself, and this one is sure to do that. Plus, you make it yourself, which makes it even cooler. This video will show you how to make a cool cap out of duct tape, cardboard, and newspaper.
By now you've probably heard of the duct tape crafting trend. If nothing else, the sour economy has inspired an upsurge of popularity in DIY stuff, including using duct tape to make everything from prom dresses to wallets.
By now we all know the slogan "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle." And many of us do just that every Sunday, visiting the recyling center to dump our latest fill of glass and plastic bottles.
Wallets are our least favorite item to purchase. Why? Well, they're either super crappy in quality and looks (think a pleather wallet you can purchase at the clearance bin at Wal-Mart) or gorgeous but out of this world expensive (Dior, anyone?). There's selmonly a space in between where we can get a good-looking wallet for cheap.
Hold your moolah in style using this duct tape wallet. Leave your friends with their Dior clutches and fancy business wallets - this duct tape wallet is SO much cooler! Featuring a woven pattern, you can weave two duct tapes in whatever colors suit your fancy.
Do you find that there's no better way to unwind from a long, hectic day than to put on Joni Mitchell, kick off your heels, and pour yourself a glass of Chardonnay? If so, then you more likely than not have an assortment of wine corks from wine bottles you've inhaled.
We've seen lots of funky duct tape projects, from duct tape prom dresses to duct tape wallets. But this duct tape project is without a doubt the girliest and cutest we've laid our eyes on.
Paper Donut is a collaborative graffiti project between Justine Ricaud and Alexis Facca. The French duo paint geometrical illusions as urban art (with the exception of the gallery installation below). They've also posted some detail shots that give you some sense of how it was done.
To spray paint graffiti, you will need the following: 2 cans of spray paint and a mask. You will need to have an idea of the design you want to paint, before you begin this project, because you will need to work quickly. Put on your safety/protective gear. Paint an outline of your design, first, with one can of spray paint. Then, you will want to strategically fill in the design. One can is primarily for filling it in and achieving light and shadow. Therefore, you will need a dark shade...
How can duct tape be magical? When it you turn it into a magical duct tape wallet. The "magical" part of the wallet is that it can be flipped around to reveal a secret compartment.
Duct tape can be used for just a lot more than taping your eBay packages shut. In fact, duct tape has a whole lotta urban crafting potential. Don't believe us? Just check out this duct tape tutorial.
We don't remember much about the 1984 movie "Gremlins," but we do remember the adorable protagonist/lead Gremlin Gizmo! Who can forget his big, pleading eyes, doll-like stature and chubby tummy? Our four-year-old selves swooned over the fantasy that we could own our very own Gizmo as a pet. Unfortunately for us, our pipe dreams went bust when we discovered that Gizmo shockingly wasn't real, but at least we can still recall the tender days of yore by drawing this Gizmo character.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a graffiti mop. This task is very easy, fast and simple to do. The materials required for this task are: a small bottle, syringe, whiteboard rubber and ink. Begin by placing the ink in the small bottle using the syringe. Then roll up the whiteboard rubber and place it in the small bottle. Make sure that the whiteboard rubber completely covers the top of the bottle and fits tightly. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy art and drawing...
Duct tape isn't only good for making sure your items don't fall out of your eBay shipments and for securing a rear view mirror in place after your drunken cousin knocked it off one night during a temper tantrum.
In this video, we learn how to draw a gangster graffiti character. Start out by drawing the eyes and the top of the head. After this, draw on the nose and mouth, with sharp teeth coming out of the mouth. Also, draw in the eyebrows and a scar on the top of the head. Continue down the body to draw the chest and arms, with one arm holding a spray paint bottle. Next, draw very baggy jeans on the legs, then raw over-sized shoes onto the bottom. Make sure to add in further details to make the drawing...
Contrary to popular belief, graffiti doesn't have to be all tough names, tough tags, and tough gansters. In fact, you can draw just about any subject you want using the graffiti style in order to make it look cooler and more street beautiful. But don't take our word for it.
For this fun drawing tutorial, graffiti genius Wizard does two things he's never done before: 1. He graffitis his own last name, "Real," and 2. He colors in his graffiti, which includes clowns that could scare the pants off of the Joker, a bumpy brick wall, and a teeny bumble bee/clown hybrid who's more creepy than cute.
Clowns are the stuff of the most horrible nightmares for us, but if you're one of the few who either find them funny or find them entertaining in a really creepy way, then this is the perfect drawing tutorial for you.
South African born artist Robin Rhode combines street art with optical trickery, resulting in a cumulation of performance, graffiti, drawing, film and photography. is a family entertainment trade publication committed to empowering urban youth to make informed regarding all entertainment needs and service. We target high school to college aged consumers, as well as entertainment professionals.
Maybe it's just us, be we think that graffiti characters that aren't in some way colored or shaded in just look like drawings from a coloring book. Of course, if the coloring book were rated R.
Okay, so the shutter shade trend sort of rode the wave of Kanye West's popularity after he wore it for his video for "Stronger," and then decreased in fan enthusiasm after the Taylor Swift music video incident (your ego is more than your "imaginary friend," Kanye).
If you're anything like us, you hated your name for a good three or four years during your childhood, occuring probably not so surprisingly around our awkward puberty years. Whether you like your name or not, putting it in graffiti - transforming it into art, if you will - puts a whole new spin on things.
The irony of a spraycan holding another spraycan aside, this graffiti picture looks pretty awesome. Turning the graffiti artist - spraycan relationship on its side, this picture shows the spray can as the agent, graffiti artist now gone, holding a spray can in one hand and a marker in the other.